The aim in this series of books is to provide the mountainbiker and walker with information on a variety of routes so they know something of what to expect. One of the problems is that O.S. maps give no indication as to whether an 'other road' is metalled, a path or a forest fire break, or anything in between. Many bridges shown on O.S. maps do not exist. Rivers are difficult to judge in size from the map, and a building may be anything from a pile of stones to a maintained bothy. All is revealed without removing the sense of adventure and exploration. Gradient profiles help to assess how strenuous a route is, and each hand-drawn page contains a wealth of information. The object is to save wasted leisure time and enable the armchair explorer to plan ahead or relive experiences. "The Atholl Glens" includes: The Glens East of Drumochter, Glen Tilt to Cairnwell, and
Aberfeldy to
More Perthshire books
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